So today, I didn't wake up as early. I actually had my alarm at 7am, took a snooze and woke up at 7:30am. I had to shower and shit because I had class at 9am. Anyways... class was.... long and boring. French class was alright, but it was so intense. Soo much information and stuff in 3 hours.
I ate lunch with some of the homestay people and it was cool. They showed me a place to get cheap baguette sandwiches for 2€-3€. I got a pate de champange sandwich and a chocolate eclair. DELICIOUS AND CHEAP!!!!
sooo delicious....
Then back to class. I had a social science emphasis course and it was two hours long. Interesting, but a little dry and did I mention, loooong. After class, apparently we had a class outing to visit the Lourve to talk about the history behind it and how to interpret the decorations on the walls.
Well..... after a 2 hour walk about after a day of 5 hours of class.... we were exhausted. The walk was interesting, but, again.... looooong.
We wandered around looking for some people we were going to meet at a pub, but we never found them... frustrating after another hour of walking and searching. Especially when we missed the America futbol game.
We ate at a Italian restaurant that we found to be okay pricing. 12.50€ for a combo. The waiter was an ass to us though, throwing the plates everywhere.
When we got back home, I checked my email and GOOD NEWS! All my financial aid was sorted out and I'll be getting my long awaited loan in my account soon.
Our small group were all tired, so we ended up just staying in and chatting for the rest of the night.
Hopefully tomorrow is better.
Don't get burned out just yet!