Monday, June 21, 2010

1st whole day in Paris

June 21, 2010
1st whole day in Paris

8:00am woke up and ate some food with my dad's friend that picked me up.
yes... American Bread
Taxi ride was 50€ from last night.
The view they have is pretty nice. There's nature growing nearly everywhere.

9:30am took the subway, very efficient... I didn't take any video or photos of the graffiti on the tunnel walls, because I had to make sure I wouldn't get pick-pocketed.

10:00ish am I checked into the Accent Center

pretty nice room.

2:00pm orientation tour
5:00pm grocery shopping with Kristen 17.26€
I got bread, brie, dish washing soap, olive oil, dried spagetti, condensed tomatoes, onions, garlic spread, and bottled water. Seems like a lot.. but all the portions are pretty small....
6:00pm explored the streets myself for cheap food, cheapest was subway for 5€ or an American sandwich for 3€. Found another market that had toilet paper, frozen pizza, and eggs for 5.98€
Then someone pointed out in the dorm that we didn't have ovens...with a frying pan, olive oil, water, and a plate, here's what I made happen:

I still need to buy a sponge and baking soda, if I can find it...
Bottom line... today, I feel like I can't indulge myself with all the food that Paris has to offer, because everything is so damn expensive, even when I'm making the food...
i'm soo tired....


  1. So I always hated reading blogs and commenting. Granted I had a xanga and was super emo when I was in middle school.

    However, I love reading about your happenings in Europe. Although I didn't keep a blog and there will probably be days when you will be too busy, I am so glad that I can read up on the first few days you have.

    I feel like I am somewhat there with you, and I really love that.

    Très bien,


  2. Andy says:

    Let's exchange xanga's Fornia! lol.

    Anyways, I love this blog, and am just starting to really read it to follow your life and adventures abroad in Paris! But this will be hard to manage once you start doing all sorts of crazy happenings that will definitely keep you busy and unable to update.

    Btw, your room is FUC*IN HUGE!!! So legit. I am jealous.
