Monday, June 21, 2010

1st whole day in Paris(cont.)

hey hey!
my day was over, but my night didn't even begin.
I decided to visit Taylor, someone I met at check-in that is also from UCLA. It turns out he had some wine, and that made my day. Later on, we ran into more people and had a party of 8. We decided to take the metro eventually because there was some music festival going on. It was 9pm and the sun didn't even set yet.... We roamed around, saw random parties on the street with confetti flying out with fog machines and music. I didn't recognize any of the music, but my group did. The first one we ran into was really crowded and cool. Then muscular guys started taking off their shirts and some where dancing in short shorts/undies. Then it got crazier, it was gay. However, we decided to leave before things got way too intense.
We drank along the way and used the toilets too. Had to be a customer to use their toilets. They had bouncers at McDonalds to clear the entrance and only let customers into the eating area upstairs.
On the way back we followed suit with the locals and hopped the rail to get onto the metro. Our tickets weren't working. Back in our district, our group went into one of the sex shops. They had videos and toys and stuff. Downstairs, we found that they had individual viewing rooms with boxes of tissue ready. I don't know if it's the same in the states.

...sigh.... I wished I had pictures to go with this post, my batteries died....


  1. I was wondering why there wasn't any pictures. Charge your batteries dammit!

    And no it's not the same in the states. That's Europe baby.
