I went out to the open air market today to get some fruit and lunch. I couldn't resist getting this chicken for only 4.50€ Unfortunately these are cooked slowly from a frozen state. I witness them bring a fresh group of chicken and I could see flakes of ice on the skin. The guy helping me also made a racial remark to me when I came back with my paid ticket stub, "Karate!"
rotisserie chicken
devoured 3/4 of it with baguette
madeleines du chocolat: c'est bon avec lait
Monday, August 2
Last day of French class instruction... we had an oral group presentation to do and for my portion I talked about the food the average UC Paris student ate and of course I had to prepare some food for them. I made ratatouille on a slice of baguette. Class loved it. Professor calls me ratatouille man now. lol..
ratatouille avec une trance de baguette
Tuesday, August 3
Had my oral exam today at 11:20am. Woke up late, and barely prepared, but she said the class did well as a whole. Relieved...
lunch, have no idea what I made, just heated it on the stove. Had a cumin like taste to it
Second class, regular stuff happened, but we also had one last field trip that was walking distance from the Accent Center. We toured around Saint Paul village to see how the streets of Paris were like before they repaved the streets. Very quaint with the courtyards and cobblestone roads. We went into Saint Paul Church, which was very beautiful and didn't look like an tourist attraction. Wished I knew about it sooner. Afterward we went to the garden nearby; don't remember what it's called. And we departed from the teacher because she had to leave. But she told us to check out Victor Hugo's house, and we did. It was pretty neat. Camera died so no photos... =(
this wall was the original Lourve walls still intact originally connecting from the landmark we now call the Lourve
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