Saturday, June 26, 2010

No party tonight, just chill...

Saturday, June 26

So I woke up on my since I had soo much rest the night before. I got ready and stuff and made a fried egg for breakfast. yummy.

Orangina. Egg. Done

After Skyping with Andy, Nancy, Stephanie, and kinda Jonathan. I went to grab "lunch".

powdered sugar croissant w/ Nutella spread

I then went to the Lourve to meet up with some homestead people with Brian and Jennifer. We decided to try and hit the Arc de Tromphe. Along the way we saw a bunch of shops that I think I may hit tomorrow when sales all over Paris start.
We ran into one of the famous Macaroon Shops. Mini macaroons are 1.50€ each. I'm definitely coming back or getting more. These things are so delicious...

It is an orgasm in your mouth. Cherry tasted amazingly sweet, Mimosa was okay. These things are so delicate and just melt in your mouth with an abundance of flavor. And I agree... I do think it also resembles a certain part of the female anatomy.

Finally made it to the Arc de Tromphe after a few hours

After getting back to the dorms, I took a nap while Megan used my internet. It was an awesome nap. At around 9:00pm we rendezvous at Brian's room and they were trying to figure out their Eurail passes forever. Eventually, we ended up going to the Tour Eiffel at night to see it light up and eat bread, formage(cheese), and wine. It was beautiful.

out on the grassy area around other drunk Parisians and Americans.

Le Tour Eiffel at night.

1 comment:

  1. "here's the other people I'm eating with... you can't see them, but whatever."

    took the words right out of my head.
